Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Het Wilhelmus (2) - National Anthem of The Netherlands

1# Het Wilhelmus (2) - National Anthem of The Netherlands.

VDO of Het Wilhelmus (2) - National Anthem of The Netherlands

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Sung by Bill van Dijk Het Wilhelmus is the national anthem of the Netherlands and is the oldest national anthem in the world, though the words of the Japanese national anthem (not the music) date back to the ninth century. Although it was not recognized as the official national anthem until 1932, it had remained popular with the Dutch people since its creation. It is also one of the very few anthems that does not focus on the history or military accomplishments of the people it represents, on the contrary, it tells of William of Orange, his life and why he is fighting for the Dutch. As a result, the anthem is written as if it were sung by William himself. The song is remarkably peaceful. The tune of the Wilhelmus is based on a French soldiers' song: "Autre chanson de la ville de Chartres assiégée par le prince de Condé" (English: "Another song about the city of Chartres under siege by the Prince de Condé"), which was popular around 1569 during the siege of Chartres. "Dutch blood or German blood?": There is an ongoing confusion and dispute as to what the author meant with "Duytschen bloedt" in the text, as the contemporary Dutch word "Duits" (being the modernised form of "Duytsch/Duijtsch") means "German". Another explanation is that "Duytsch" was at the time a variation of Dietsch meaning Dutch. Both could be correct as William of Nassau was born in Dillenburg in the county of Nassau in Germany and that it referred to William's German (rather than Dutch) descent. Yet ...
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