Friday, September 7, 2012

Council of Six

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Bill Of Sale Form! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The head of the Club of Rome has said that the major issue that prevents World Peace is the matter of terminology or differences in what population mean over different cultures. I have no illusions about having devised a fool proof proposal here - but it would be nice if the dialogue existed and not until it does exist will there be much hope for real change.

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How is Council of Six

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Bill Of Sale Form.

1. Love should be the guiding force in all actions. Any act that diminishes one life diminishes all life and the decisions of man must respect all life, though the greater good may sometimes lessen the potential of other life (e.g. When we eat) it should all the time be in view of a greater harmonizing growth of God (the 'forces of nature', Allah etc.). This principle shall be known as ecumenicism.

2. Laws shall exist for everyone equally. Nations will not have double-standards of prejudicial article against women, for themself against other nations, or for any potential patronage or preference. Criminals will not be able to hide in sovereign nations to avoid the World Court's laws.

3. In recognition of the immortality of the soul and the harmonizing purpose that all life shares in; there shall be a principle that might be known as ecology. The human life that sustains itself by using nature will not act to destroy nature so that it will be unable to maintain the hereafter of all life to a high quality. To this end sovereign rights will be minute and new technology will be regulated. The polluting effect of converting nature to the needs of man will not be downloaded on other population or hereafter generations thereof.

4. Honesty and transparency of organizational behavior will be paramount. Secrecy and empire-building will be altered straight through population oversight and sunshine laws that seek to rationalize the most efficient and fair application of goals and use of resources.

5. Medicinal action to remediate the existing inequities will be a short term necessity. Immigration, pollution, ethnic and religious prejudices together with the 'War on Women' will have to be addressed.

The Brotherhood Of Man: theory And Plans For Harmony!

Specific Projects:

1) End all standing armies - forwarded by Albert Einstein, seconded by Mahatma Gandhi and Annie Besant

Description - General:

A phased in centralization of the gift loose U.N. And Nato objectives for co-ordinated action will be easy to garner over 100 nations support. The small and often ill-equipped nations will love to have the safety but will they abide by the theory that must be agreed to and then implemented agreeing to verifiable and transparent means. The long term objective of total disarmament of all nations and an International Police Force will want incentives and sanctions. action Plan: i) The leaders of the G-7 nations will adopt the course of the World Council on Peace and Love (Shalom), within two years of the formation of this austere group and their advisory councils or Elders. Ii) create a training academy for police population called the Bertrand Russell Peace Academy. It will record to the promulgation arm of the World Court in The Hague, which might maintain the name but not the methods of Interpol. Iii) utilize cost savings in every country agreeing to the theory and give first priority to the restitution of those disenfranchised straight through past practices (e.g. Women and natives). A small percentage of cost savings will be allowed to go to reduce taxes if educational goals are properly funded. Iv) G-7 countries will maintain unabridged troops funds together with spy agency exertion costs. These funds will be given to the International Police agency that they will sit on the Board of responsibility of. population oversight will include Amnesty International and other agents shown to be in concert with the principles. They may be encouraged; to amalgamate their efforts and costs. This funding from G-7 countries who will disband all personal activities that empower themselves or lead to commercial or other espionage, will continue until the Council determines a discount is warranted. V) Upon the advice of Councilor the Police (and World Court) trade sanctions will be rigorously imposed. Incentives and technological exchanges will cease and those who break the laws will pay for any costs linked with their apprehension to the full extent of their potential to pay, and of any that were in concert with their acts. Vi) Educational targeting of the population of said countries will be upgraded to include data on how their leaders are engaged in any nefarious acts against the good of their citizens. Vii) Intervention by forceful means will start (if warranted) straight through the use of laser weapons in space targeted at the leaders and their resources. Computer and other Info Warfare will include seizing bank accounts and creating havoc among the rich and elite of said country. Exceptions to this rule will be made if these rich population have proven their continuing value and commitment to the theory in the eyes of Interpol or the World Court.

2) Earth rights of Space Colonies - forwarded by John F. Kennedy and Francis Bacon

Description - General:

The existing space agency with twenty countries that is headquartered in Geneva will become the first Co-ordinated Government For all population on Earth. The assets and profits less liabilities will be owned by the citizens and inhabitants of Earth. The Alaskan oil revenues might contribute an example for how this will be done. The Gene Roddenberry produce will be created to study the creation of Prime Directives and enabling laws for utopian organizational structure and government in space. The populous nations of the world will have to produce more humane and realistic controls on growth of the populace, but this will enable their citizens (like in Rome) to become major purchasers of goods, and consumers will abound for the corporate community. It will take a century before the cash reaches the hands of the midpoint man from the date of re-organization. No hypothecation in enlarge of first receipts will be legal. Most population receiving gene-therapy will be living twice as long as presently, this will also lead to evaluating population and procreation rights issues. Some kind of entrepreneurial incentive plan without long term owning of land will be utilized. It might be a administration results oriented idea such as corporate bonuses in major corporations, with public funding administered by educational organizations such as research institutes or think tanks that are now working. There will be a great deal of job creation on earth as the assets that are now expended in bombs and weapons that contribute supplementary discount in assets (when they blow up their targets) are applied to efforts that growth and multiply with the creation of new resources and colonies. The Mars terraforming scheme that could be paid for out of existing Nasa expenditures is estimated to cost Billion a year for twenty years before man can walk on the outside without a space suit. It will take 150 years before the flora, fauna and atmosphere are quite like Earth. Contemplative Initiatives: i) Ethical issues must be fully contemplated before programs are ramped out. For example the von Neumann probes might upset the natural evolution of sentient beings on other planets as they take genetic material to these planets. My input (for what it is worth) is that we are entitled to do this on any planet that we have fancy to believe has not developed a mammal more complex than ocean life was before animals. Beyond that there may be other situations that we need to make sure the life on the planet isn't as soulful as it will be after we alter its whole evolution and creation process. Ii) Funding of the space programs seems to be proceeding with a lot of magnanimous input from countries like the U.S.; and international rights of the moon and even Antarctica show the significant ethics are being proposed. However, I can imagine there might be corporate back room deals that we aren't aware of. It should be clearly projected and known by any who wish to advise themselves. What are the long term plans for space? Sale of bonds bearing interest might accelerate the agenda to colonize the third planet in the Alpha Centauri system. It will take 15 years to get there and a few years to build the space ships.

Formation Of The World Council On Peace And Love (Shalom):

Proposed Founding Members and The Process of Selection:

General: Jimmy Carter may be too old unless the telomeres are revitalizable to create a reversal of the aging process soon. He would be a good man to sustain in the selection and constitution of the population who would lead the first council and might remain as an advisory panel participant. Oprah Winfrey's 'Remembering Your Spirit' segment is in line with the educational approaches to ecumenicism and could be wide on the world wide web and used as a model for population to continue their study in night classes and parenting for 'Positive Value Systems' such as the logotherapy approaches and co-operative studying being developed by such universities as the Wisconsin School of Psychology. She would be a good candidate for the first Council membership which would be only six in number. Six is a good decision production group and it would be comprised of three women and three men. An conference could be made for more women on the first Council. Oprah is well known and knows enterprise and the media world that will be so foremost to the introductory polite and formative efforts of galvanizing public awareness and hope for a real change. Craig Ventner is the firebrand entrepreneurial scientist who made his mark in development of the human genome map. His scientific approach to production things happen rather than conventional 'reductivist' paradigms would empower the group to be more creative and proactive. There are others who would fill this bill, such as Ray Kurzweil or Fritjof Capra. The term of the introductory Council might be ten years and wide to more as the life prolonging technologies are in use. It would therefore be foremost for the team to enjoy each other and find the right mix of styles and approaches. Marianne Williamson is part of a group of 'New Age' philosophers and philanthropists who have a similar ideal to what is being proposed herein. It is new and has no politically oriented goals at gift but these public salons of aware population are a great idea. This group includes Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer, who are both excellent candidates for the advisory panels. They are all eloquent spokespeople whose influence and audience will maintain this idea. Marianne has a nurturing polite approach that might be right for this Council. Gloria Steinem is well known and politically aware. She might be willing to become complex as a personal assistant to an Islamic woman or the model foremost the genital disfigurement action group. It is good to have as many ethnic backgrounds in this high profile position as potential in order to create public enthusiasm and act as 'role models' for population throughout the world. A Chinese woman would also be significant to be involved, though they (the leaders of the country) will be the hardest group to convince that free passage to data will create more for everybody. These leaders may be able to see the merit of near immortal physical life and nanotechnological advances that they won't be able to get if they aren't a part of 'The Brotherhood of Man'. In truth they are probably stealing or as aware of these technologies already and it may take a long time (perhaps until space is being able to produce results) for them to get on board. The use of data and even mind operate devices to reach the population of China and get them to replace their leadership might be required. China has biological and other weapons to wipe out life on earth as of now! Thus this area of conflict would have to be approached with care. Bill Joy has shown courage and 'openness' as well as having the background in technology that would enhance this team so that they might not need so many experts to sustain them in decision-making. I personally would not mind Bill Clinton being on this team, but I identify he has some P.R. Problems that would come with him. The legal and political savvy as well as the potential to reduce things to uncomplicated and communicative words is what he would bring to the enterprise. He might have a role as a panel chief on Re-Structuring the Law and authority of the World Court.

Remuneration And Authority Of The Council':


The auspices of this assosication will be to influence public plan and their expenses would be paid for by grants and donations. They will set an example of volunteerism that will motivate and duplicate throughout all strata of humanity. Their message and ideas will be taken directly to the population with full transparency. Their polite clout with nations will be all the more huge as a result. With the introductory efforts in the formative stages it will want vision and some behind the scenes planning. They will try to create as much momentum and model programs as potential in order to maintain hope and not become other failed utopian event like the 'Gracchi' or the Oneida colony. They will encourage the awareness of great leaders of the past who shared these ideals, in all cultures either it be Asoka or Akbar the Great. The U.S. Was founded as an experiment of the age of Enlightenment by the Masons/ Rosicrucians. I believe they alone could make this introductory momentum become real. There are foundations of a charitable nature such as the Billion in Bill Gates' fund that would ensure credibility. Some of those complex with Marianne Williamson's public salons are well situated financially as well. Any politician who stood in the way of Hope for all mankind might have a far shorter work than he/she had hoped for. A supplementary information and illustration: Empowerment Of The World Court -- Forwarded by Pierre Trudeau and the Dalai Lama

Description - General: Concurrent with Interpol this assosication will have wide power over trade (G.A.T.T.) and the preparing of new laws to replace those which nations currently produce wherein double-standards and prejudices are maintained and fostered, as already contemplated in previous remarks. The false memory lie detection technology will be enabled and made use of to reduce incarceration of innocents and the costs linked with current jurisprudences and so-called justice systems. The Panel that will work on efficient new approaches and models will be sensitive to the sociological upset that a new approach might cause and thus will use a phased-in gradual alteration of existing systems. A Brehon Law College will be created to re-train existing jurists and enhance the use of technology. In France there is a long history of guilty until proven innocent for example. The different approaches and sociological realities must be determined rather than draconian insistence on immediate adherence. If and when all nations in the U.N. Are adherents to the theory or being phased-in to them - then and only then, the U.N. Will be able to take a greater role as the Council and their advisory panels or the leaders of nations agree. The authority of the Council might be increased, if they agree, by the leaders of the nations. The World Court will be one of the key polite initiatives of the Council as it begins to influence change. The threat of run-away technological dangers like airborne nanotechnologically enhanced pollen and biologics and the errors Bill Joy says might occur will scare a lot of population into finding a need to enlarge the World Court's power. I think S.A.L.T. And other weapons such as the Non-lethal Emf or 'mind-control' devices might come under a special agency of this Court as well. Possibly a referendum that each man of the adhering nations gets an equal vote in would be taken before empowering the aggressive implementation of the first sanctions or acts against non-adherents. Peaceful means such as informing the citizens over a duration of years (World Wide Web, etc.) would be explored and given a chance, first. Even after the referendum there should be a duration of delay before action is taken, this might be two years. The potential of the World Court to continue major obnoxious action will not want supplementary referendums once they have started doing it. However, periodic re-assessments and population oversight might lead to periodic referendums. The plan being that Peace and Good Examples are better ethics than 'might is right'. If a sovereign nation protects a world class criminal Interpol might still be able to take targeted intrusive action. This would be something that the Council and its' oversight might be complex in.

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