Wednesday, September 5, 2012

hereafter Defenders of Domestication, Unite in Conformity

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Free Bill Of Sale Form! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I have spent the best part of my life doing what I am supposed to do, being who I am supposed to be. When I say that, I nothing else but mean... What my parents, teachers, peers and society as a whole wanted or expected of me.

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How is hereafter Defenders of Domestication, Unite in Conformity

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Free Bill Of Sale Form.

Like the majority of people, I am (or was) a domesticated human being, brought up in a society of certain rules and regulations structured within a realm of conformity. When I was young, just like every person else, I had to do what I was told, I had to live by the rules of the adults.

Of procedure there were certain lessons I had to learn that were prominent for a young boy, but as the years passed by a lot of the data I absorbed into my sub-conscious mind suppressed the creative private I was born to be. My parents loved me very much, but their perception of reality became a part of how I saw the world. This is true for almost everyone, there's no getting away from it. The question was that my parents perception of reality came from their parents, and so on down the line.
Who was I becoming? Them? Their parents? A stock of the system? All three?

Then there was the educational part of my life. In school we are all led to believe that the most prominent part of life is getting good grades so we can be a success in the covering world. The biggest question with this, is that all kids are taught the same curriculum without any deviation from the norm. In a law like this we are all taught from a young age the same pile of garbage as every other kid which can only invariably indoctrinate and pump out future defenders of the status quo.

You only have to look at society as a whole to perceive that the education law is flawed, so getting good grades in a flawed law will not set you up for success supplementary down the line. They teach nothing about wisdom (i.e. How to be a good parent, how to be happy, how to deal with stress and anxiety, etc.. Just static facts that serve no other purpose than being able to retort a inquire in a quiz down the local pub on a Thursday night).

So you go to school, get good grades and then it's time to leave. If you don't go on to college (which of procedure most habitancy never do) you're told you have to get a job. How many habitancy do you know who are working 40 to 50 hours a week in a job they are not passionate about. Even so, we are told that in order to be an active and certain participant in society we have to be working, no matter what the job is, it is of no consequence, your happiness does not play a part in this society. Our law is based around creating workers and not thinkers. We were never brought up to inquire the status quo. On the contrary, we are enduringly bombarded from all angles by all forms of media that you have to be a certain way to fit into this superficial, money driven, indoctrinated conformist society.

If thinkers were created then habitancy would not look at the problems they are facing on a day-to-day basis but instead focus on a solution. We are led to believe that reality is what we have been told it is. It is not potential for anyone to tell you what your reality is, you, and you alone originate your reality. I don't know how many habitancy I have talked to over the years who feel trapped in their current situation and believe they are powerless to change it. The excuses are all the time the same, I have bills to pay, I have a family to support, I have responsibilities to meet. The truth is, we are not taught to think, we are taught to react, to complain, to blame, etc.

I understand that we cannot have a society built around habitancy who are collecting group revenue and therefore habitancy are going to get mediocre unfulfilling jobs with no real future, but the question obviously stems from the lies we were spoon fed from an early age. There are a whole of ways this law was designed to keep us from mental for ourselves, here are just a few....

* Your individuality, creativity and single-mindedness is suppressed from an early age with the incommunicable message that 'conformity' is the snug fit for society.

* To be an active and certain member in this society you have to live by certain rules created by the wealthy who designed it in such a way that the majority of habitancy who leave school will not be properly educated adequate to seek out viable opportunities to amass great success. We are told you have to work hard to make it in the real world. Whatever happened to working smart.

* Being led to believe that knowledge is power and the more you know the smarter you will become. This is perfect nonsense as it should be an certain fact to most adults living today that it is not the knowledge you get that is prominent but how you apply the knowledge you have attained. Knowledge is potential power and quite simply, the education law doesn't give students the tools to effectively use this knowledge.

* If by a certain age you have not got a mortgage and are not on the road to settling down with a family, you are considered by most habitancy in society to be damaged in one way or another. After all, if every person else is doing it, why the hell are you not falling in line.

Disclaimer: Having a good job and settling down with a family is a given at some point, but too many habitancy are in shit jobs, on low-income, supporting a family and are either, unhappy, stressed, in debt or all of these. The question is they are pushed into these situations through a broken law without ever been given the tools to originate a great future for themselves.
Education should be about teaching habitancy how to successfully originate the future they want and not the future that every person else is taught to achieve.

Philosophy, psychology, entrepreneurship, personal development, productive transportation skills, personal finance, the art of sales (not to be confused with a salesperson) etc, are subjects that should be mandatory as they teach individuals how to think, these subjects teach habitancy how to be creative, how to navigate through society without fear of failure and how to successfully challenge themselves as well as how to deal with obstacles that we all know life puts there to help us grow.

It took me half my life to ultimately wake up to this broken system. It took me countless unsatisfying jobs before I realized that I had to look at my life from a whole new perspective. It took me half my goddamn life to wake up and perceive that it's not what society thinks about how I live my life that's important, but it is notable to my success as a human being to take a good long hard look at the way I see reality without the interference of the masses who have been brought up to fall in line and live their lives in accordance with a flawed law based on conformity.

I am new to this world, I am whole again, I am ultimately free from the broken law that indoctrinated me into a conformist prison that has held me captive for far too long. I know who I am, I know where I am headed and the most gorgeous thing about ultimately waking up and putting myself first, is that I am wholly and truly happy for the first time in my life.

You may, or may not at this gift time feel stuck in a perpetual cycle, repeating the same mundane patterns day in and day out. You may feel like your life has peaked and have located for an mean lifestyle structured within the confined restrictions of the belief systems you have been indoctrinated into from an early age. No matter what your current situation, you are not what you have...or where you are...but what you aspire to be. And regardless of past achievements, you all the time have a choice...Always.

Everything I have laid out here in this description is purely how I see things and is only my opinion. You may agree or disagree and to be perfectly honest... Whether way you are right. Life will all the time be how you see it, Whether you are right or wrong is wholly irrelevant. That's the attractiveness about having choices. It's your life, it's your perception, it's your reality and it will all the time be your choice. There is no truth, only perception...your perception.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I nothing else but appreciate you stopping in and feel free to leave a comment, share or subscribe for future updates.

Take care and have a astonishing day.


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